Towards the Mountain
Alan Paton was a South African writer. Among the books he wrote was the haunting story, Cry the Beloved Country, which so poignantly described the situation in South Africa under apartheid. Paton had a dream. He dreamt of a new day for his beloved South Africa, a day in which there would be justice and equality for all. For this reason he entered into politics, and fought to end the iniquitous system of apartheid. For decades he followed his dream, and worked generously and courageously to make it a reality. It was a dream that many said would not be realized. Yet it was. Unfortunately, Paton did not live to see it. He died before the dawn. – The prophet Isaiah had an even bolder dream, a dream of universal brotherhood and peace. Isaiah’s vision was a splendid one. It would only be realized by the coming of the Lord Jesus.
- Flor McCarthy in ‘New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies’
The second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans is a wake-up call, and it urges us to turn away from the darkness of sin and evil and walk into the light of Christ. We can no longer sleep, for though it is not yet full day, we live no longer in darkness which favours idleness and dishonesty. If we really believe in Christ, if we are impatient for our hope to be realized, we must act as people in love with the light and truth of Christ. To be a Christian is to live in the light and walk in the light, striving to let His light shine in our lives. - Flor McCarthy in ‘New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies’