18 Sunday B - Jesus, the Bread of Life

From Fr. Jude Botelho:

In the first reading we meet Elijah when he is in the pit of despair. He flees to the desert but there a terrible depression overtakes him. He asks God to take his life. But instead of doing so God sends an angel to him with food and water. Strengthened by these, the prophet arises and makes his way to the mountain of God. We should be aware that God did not solve Elijah's problem but gave him nourishment so that he could cope with whatever difficulties he faced in his mission. We often want God to solve our problems but he prefers to provide us with the nourishment that will help us to cope with life's problems. Am I using the nourishment God is providing right now?

17 Sunday B: Give them Something to Eat

From Fr. Jude Botelho:

The first reading from the second book of Kings tells of the prophet Elisha, during a time of famine. Elisha was offered twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain. Elisha said: "Give it to the people and let them eat." But his servant objected. "How can I set this before a hundred people?" But Elisha repeated, "Give it to the people and let them eat." And they ate and had some left. This little known story of Elisha is full of insights about how God works in our lives. Elisha puts his own need aside and prefers to think of his people. Elisha relies not on what he has but on what God can do with what he has, and his gift is multiplied! If we hold on to the little that we have it satisfies neither us nor others.

16 Sunday B: Leadership

From Fr. Jude Botelho:

The kings in Jeremiah's times were supposed to be good shepherds of the flock entrusted to them by God, but they were using the flock for their own evil purposes. Jeremiah, issues a stern warning against the shepherds who have not lived up to their calling and at the same time a message of hope for those who have suffered at their hands. Today's message is not only addressed to shepherds of the Church, but also to every Christian because all of us are called to be 'shepherds' in some way or another, called to care for others; to encourage one another by the good example of our lives. At the same time if we have been disillusioned by the failures of our leaders, we do not have to lose hope. All is not lost, because God has not abandoned his people. He promises that there will be new shepherds who will care for his people and ultimately He reminds us that He himself will care for His flock.

Tithing: Colgate, Kraft and Heinz

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Did you know that many are or have been almost 100% tithers? Among the many famous ones are William Colgate, (Colgate-Palmolive), James L.  Kraft (Kraft foods), and Henry John Heinz (Ketchup).  All three of these men started out tithing 10%, and so blessed were they by the practice, that at the time of their death, they were giving away almost 100% of their income!

Colgate and his Christian track record

15 Sunday B: Sent out for Mission

From Fr. Jude Botelho:
In today's first reading we are told that Amos spoke out against the evil practices that people indulged in daily life, while at the same time keeping up the external religious practices. The local temple priest Amaziah speaks out against Amos and asks him to go back home. Amos was opposed because his message struck home; he was opposed because he himself being poor spoke of the evil that stemmed from riches and greed. Amos' humble answer was that he was no professional prophet, he was a simple herdsman, but he was prophesying because the Lord called him and asked him to speak in His name. True prophets are not self-appointed, nor are they appointed by popular choice but are called by God alone to fulfill this mission. Today too those who speak in the name of religion are not accepted.

14 Sunday B - No Prophet is accepted...Js spoke with authority

From Fr. Tony Kadavil:

1: Rev. Deacon Prophet:  
There is the story aboua bishop who   was  interviewing   senior  seminarian  befor his  ordination  adeacon, and   asked  him  where   h would  like  to  be  assigned  as  deacon fo pastoral  training The seminarian said somewhat boldly"Oh my  bishop,  anywhere bu Ne Canaan!" "Wh no there, thbishop  asked?  "You know," the seminarian answered, "Thats mhometown -- an w all  kno tha a prophet  is  no without honor except in his native place. The bishop replied, "Don't worry my friendNobody in your hometown is going to confuse you with a prophet."