Easter 3rd Week: April 19-24:

  Easter 3rd Week: April 19-24: 

April 19 Monday: John 6:22-29: 

 The context: Today’s Gospel introduces Jesus’ famous discourse on the Holy Eucharist which emerged within a dialogue between Jesus and the Jews who had gone around the Lake and come to Capernaum searching for him. In answer to their question about his arrival, Jesus challenged them, saying that they were looking for him so they could get another free meal and that such meals would not satisfy them. He also instructed them to labor for food that would give them Eternal Life.

Naturally, the Jews asked Jesus what they should do to get such a food. Since the Jews believed that the Torah was the “bread of life,” many may have thought that Jesus was instructing them to keep the Torah to attain Eternal Life. So, Jesus clarified that they had to do the work of God to attain eternal life; he told them that the “work of God” was not to work miracles for their own sakes but to believe in Him as the Son of God, sent to give Eternal Life to those who believed in him. While regular food helps us to stay alive in this world, spiritual food sustains and develops our supernatural life, which will last forever in Heaven.  This food, which only God can give us, consists mainly in the gift of Faith in Jesus and in the Grace God gives us to live according to Jesus’ teaching.  Through God’s infinite love, we are given in the Blessed Eucharist the very Author of these gifts, Jesus Christ, as nourishment for our souls.

Life message: 1) Most of the time, we work for food which only nourishes the body. Jesus teaches that he is the Heavenly food, who nourishes the soul and gives us eternal life in union with God in Heaven. Hence, let us receive this Life-giving food both in the Holy Eucharist and in the Holy Scripture with proper preparation and reverence while repenting of our sins.  Fr. Tony ( L/21

April 20 Tuesday: John 6:30-35: 

The context: In reply to Jesus’ implied claim that he was the Messiah and his declaration that He had been sent from Heaven to give Eternal Life to those who believed in him, the Jews demanded a sign from Heaven.  Moses, they said, gave a Heavenly sign to their ancestors in the form of manna, rained down on them from Heaven. The Jewish rabbis taught that the promised Messiah would repeat the miracle of the manna as a Messianic sign, and that the prophet Jeremiah would reappear and show the Jews the Ark of the Covenant where the original manna had been kept.

Jesus explained to the Jews that it was not Moses but God, his Heavenly Father, who had given them manna from Heaven. He then claimed that he was more than a provider of bread like Moses because he was himself the bread that the Father was providing.  In other words, Jesus is the Heavenly manna whom the Father has sent to the world as the Bread of Life. Thus, Jesus clarifies that the manna given to Moses and the people was not the real bread from Heaven, but only a symbol of the Bread to come. Jesus also demands from them an absolute Faith in himself as the Son of God and the Bread of Life if they do not want to hunger and thirst again. Jesus uses the metaphor of food and drink to show that He is the One Who really meets all man’s essential needs and noblest aspirations.

Life messages: 1) Jesus kept his promise, and he continues to feed us with his Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. So, let us nourish our souls with this Heavenly manna.

2) Let us also remember that our duty is to carry this Jesus to our homes and workplaces, radiating his love, mercy and compassion all around us.  Fr. Tony ( L/21

April 21 Wednesday: (St. Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church): 

The context: In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus repeats his claim that he is “the Bread of Life.”  He means that, just as God sent manna from heaven to sustain the physical life of his people in the desert, so He has sent His Son Jesus to sustain the spiritual lives of His people.  Spiritual life is actually our relationship with God the Father, through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus makes three claims: 1) He claims to be our spiritual Food and offers himself in order to produce God’s life within us.  2) He promises to those who believe in him unbroken friendship with God.  3) Jesus also promises to those who believe in him a share in his own Resurrection at the end of this world and share of Eternal Life with him in Heaven.

Life messages: 1) We need to live dynamic spiritual lives, sharing in God’s Life, Divine Sanctifying Grace, through the Holy Eucharist.  2) We can keep the friendship of Jesus only by leading holy lives free from sin.  3) We can enjoy and share the joy of Jesus’ Resurrection only by realizing and appreciating his presence within us and all around us. Only God can satisfy our deepest needs. Fr. Tony: (

April 22 Thursday: John 6:44-51: 

The context: Today’s Gospel passage is the continuation of Jesus’ teaching on the Bread of Life. Jesus declares that he has seen God his Father because he has come from Heaven. Jesus also states that we hear God the Father’s Voice through him and through the Holy Spirit because the Father draws us to Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus reminds the Jews that they cannot be his disciples unless God his Father draws them to him and teaches them. The Magisterium of the Church has repeated this teaching in Vatican II: “Before this Faith can be exercised, man must have the grace of God to move and assist him; he must have the interior help of the Holy Spirit, who moves the heart and converts it to God, Who opens the eyes of the mind and makes it easy for all to accept and believe the truth” (Vatican II, Dei Verbum, 5). Once they become his disciples, Jesus will feed their souls with the Bread from Heaven, and this Heavenly Bread is his own Body. Eternal Life is reserved for such disciples. This Eternal Life is a Life of love, fellowship, communion, and union with God.

Life message: 1) Holy Communion is the wonderful banquet at which Christ gives himself to us: “The Bread which I shall give for the life of the world is My Flesh.) Hence, let us receive the glorified Body and Blood of the Risen Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist with a repentant heart, proper preparation, reverential fear, and grateful joy. Fr. Tony ( L/21

April 23 Friday (St. George, 

The context: The Jewish hearers of Jesus’ teaching on the Bread of Life were scandalized at his statement that he was going to give them his Flesh to eat, for it suggested to them cannibalism, forbidden in the Jewish Scriptures. Hence, they wanted to know how Jesus could give his Flesh to eat as a means to gain Eternal Life.  Jesus asserted that it was a must for them to eat his Body and drink his Blood if they were to receive Divine Life, Eternal Life, and resurrection from the dead. There is no way to interpret Jesus’ words as “simply symbolic,” which would mean that receiving Communion is only a metaphor, and not really eating and drinking the Body and Blood of Christ. Jesus stresses very forcefully that it is necessary for us to receive him in the Blessed Eucharist in order to share in Divine Life and to develop the life of grace we have received in Baptism. “We receive Jesus Christ in Holy Communion to nourish our souls and to give us an increase of grace and the gift of eternal life” (St. Pius X Catechism, # 289). “Really sharing in the body of the Lord in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, we are taken up into communion with him and with one another.” (Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, 7). Jesus adds that eating his Body and drinking his Blood are essential for abiding with him, which is, on this earth, the beginning of the Eternal Life of Heaven. Communion with Jesus enables us to start enjoying Eternal Life with God here on earth, while resurrection gives us eternal life with God forever. St. Thomas Aquinas gives this explanation: “The Word gives life to our souls, but the Word made Flesh nourishes our souls.” (“Commentary on St. John, in loc.”). 

Life messages: 1) We need to receive Holy Communion with the full awareness that we are abiding with Jesus, carrying him wherever we go. 2) Hence, we are expected to radiate to all around us the love, the mercy, the spirit of service, and the forgiveness of Jesus. Fr. Toy; (

April 24 Saturday (St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen)

The context: Today’s Gospel passage explains the reaction of Jesus’ listeners when he unequivocally offered eating and drinking of his Body and Blood as an essential condition for Eternal Life which would thus begin on earth. Many Jews in the crowd stopped listening to Jesus. Even some of his disciples started murmuring.

Jesus challenged them, asking how they would they react when they saw his Ascension to Heaven, if they found it difficult to accept this doctrine. He clarified that only someone who listened to His words and received them as God’s Revelation, which is “Spirit and Life,” would be in a position to accept them. Jesus Christ requires his disciples to accept his words because it is He Who has spoken them.  That is what the supernatural act of Faith involves–that act “whereby, inspired and assisted by the grace of God, we believe that the things which He has revealed are true; not because of the intrinsic truth of the things, viewed by the natural light of reason, but because of the authority of God Himself Who reveals them, and Who can neither be deceived nor deceive” (Vatican I, Dei Filius, Chapter 3). But the Apostles were not scandalized by our Lord’s words.  They said that they already had a deep-rooted confidence in Jesus, and hence, they did not want to leave him.  What St. Peter says (v 68), is not just a statement of human solidarity but an expression of genuine supernatural Faith which is the result of the influence of Divine Grace on his soul. 

Life message: 1) The mystery of the Eucharist does call for a special act of Faith from us believers. We believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host and Wine because we believe that Jesus is God, and nothing is impossible for God. Even if we cannot explain the “how” of this mystery we accept it as a doctrine of Catholicism based on the authority and veracity of the Gospels as Divine Revelation. (Fr. Tony) (