9th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, June 4

  9th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, June 4

Tobit 11:5-17 / Mark 12:35-37

Tobit's blindness is cured; Tobit gave thanks to God.

Byron Dell grew up on a farm in Nebraska. When he was eight years old, he had a pony named Frisky, who sometimes lived up to its name.
One morning when Byron was getting the cows, Frisky became frightened and bolted off at breakneck speed. Holding on for dear life, Byron remained unhurt. That night Byron's father accompanied him upstairs to bed and asked his son to kneel with him and thank God that he was not hurt. That incident took place 55 years ago, and Byron has never forgotten it. It inspired him to make prayer a regular part of his daily life.


Do we thank God for things? Do we share our faith with others, especially our own family members? "As you received Christ. walk in him . . . abounding in thanksgiving." Col 2:6-7


Tobias means "God is good. " To teach us this, is the aim of the book. God is good to those who are faithful to him. The author adds here a number of joyful outcomes, every one of which could bring tears to our eyes, if we are not yet too sophisticated to have banned tears of joy from our life. There is the joy of a mother who sees her long absent, but eagerly awaited son. There is the gratitude of a father whose vision is restored and who sees him "who is the light of his eyes". There is great amount of silver received back from a defaulting debtor. There is the happy marriage of a son who deserved a good wife; there is the father who is impatient to see his daughter-in-law, whose newly restored vision makes him able to set out and meet her; there is the grand wedding feast to which all the Jews of Nineveh were invited as guests. There is the great joy in the seven prayers of l; the book. "To them that love God all things work together unto good"


The piety of old Tobias and the endurance in his suffering are finally rewarded. In God’s name, the angel Raphael, whose name means “God heals,” cures Tobias from his blindness.


Using a rabbinic form of argumentation, Jesus states that he is more than a descendant of David. No king would have addressed his son as Lord. The Savior is more than a human being. Early Christianity understood this title of “Son” and “Lord” in the divine sense.


Time and again, the Pharisees have asked Jesus difficult questions. Now it is he who puts before them a problem. All know that scripture says that the Messiah will be a descendant of David. Now Psalm 110 is written by David under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. All know and accept that this psalm is referring to the Messiah. In this psalm, David calls his descendant his Lord. The Pharisees cannot answer it. This psalm can only be understood in the same spirit that inspired it. How can he be his son and his Lord? He sits at the right hand of God the Father, because he is his equal. He will have dominion over all his enemies. They will be his footstool. The Pharisees could not answer. They were silenced. The people who witnessed this dispute were delighted.



Lord our God, the person who laid down his life to save us from our human limitations and to let us live in your world is your own Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Give us the true wisdom to accept him as the Lord of our lives and your presence among us. Let him lead us to you, our God, for ever and ever. Amen