22nd Week, Thursday, Sept 2

22nd Week, Thursday, Sept 2

Colossians 1:9-14 / Luke 5:1-11

Paul prays for the Colossians; Your knowledge of God will grow 

An elderly woman said in a Bible study class, “I'd give anything for the knowledge and health to be a missionary. But I don't know the Bible well enough. And, even if 1 did, my health is too poor.”   ‘Today's reading reminds us that there are various ways to be a missionary. Besides, preaching in a missionary country, ‘we can pray for missionaries and their work. In other words, maybe we can't plant the seed of God’s word in people's hearts, but we can water the seed that others plant by our prayers.  


Do we follow Paul's example and pray that the Gospel may bear fruit in the lives of those to whom it is preached?   “The one who plants and the one who waters are equal, and each will receive wages in proportion to his labour. For we are God's co-workers.” 1 Corinthians 38-9  


The background of today’s message to the Colossians is that gnostical tendencies are creeping in, promising a superior human knowledge even of divine mysteries. Hence the prayer of Paul that his Colossians may be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will, with wisdom and understanding coming from God’s Spirit.


"We pray" Paul writes: "We" means, I, Silvanus, Timothy, Epaphras and all the brethren in Rome pray for the Colossians who are in danger of falling into the Gnostic heresy. He uses their words. The Gnostics desire "wisdom", "understanding" and "knowledge" of their vague idea of God. He prays for the wisdom, understanding and knowledge of God’s will. There is no irony in his use of their words. He sincerely desires that they should not only desire to know the will of God, but that they may have the strength to do God’s will. This is real love: to understand the mind of others, take what is common and right and give it a new direction which they cannot but agree to. They deplored the darkness of a materialistic life and longed for the light. Paul wishes them the same and reminds them that to be in the light is to be in real freedom, which implies abhorrence of sin.


To be in the deep end” has a few meanings. To be thrown into the deep end is to prompt or force one to begin doing something very complex and/or unfamiliar, especially suddenly and without guidance, assistance, or preparation. But positively speaking, if you throw someone in at the deep end, you make them learn how to do a job or task by starting with the most difficult parts. Or if you jump in at the deep end, it means that you choose to do this yourself. Sometimes you learn more by jumping in at the deep end. 

 In the gospel, Jesus told Peter to "put out into deep water and pay out the nets for a catch."  Peter knew what the deep water was, but he had worked hard all night and caught nothing. Nonetheless, he did as Jesus told him to and with that, a miraculous catch of fish. For us, the deep end is often shrouded with darkness and fear. It is at the deep end that we feel insecure because of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, and we would avoid the deep end. 

But should we find ourselves in the deep end, then the 1st reading has this to tell us: God has taken us out of the power of darkness and created a place for us in the kingdom of the Son that He loves, and in Him, we gain our freedom, the forgiveness of our sins. We will learn something when we are at the deep end. Because Jesus is there at the deep end. And He will show us miracles if we just listen to Him, as Peter did.


Simon Peter and his companions were amazed that an outsider could tell them where to catch plenty of fish when they, fishermen by profession, had been unsuccessful. This man with a striking message was indeed extraordinary. They were caught in his spell and followed him. Later, they would put out into deep water, that is, they would risk and dedicate their life for Jesus and “catch people” to put them in the spell of Jesus’ message and life.



Holy God of our happiness, you entrust your good news of life to weak and fallible people. Fill us with the strength of your Holy Spirit, that we may be ready to speak your message with the language of our life. Let Jesus your Son work with us and in us, that each of us may have the courage to say: Here I am, Lord, send me as your messenger to share your glad tidings of happiness with all who are willing to listen. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen