Easter 5th Sunday - Liturgical Prayers

  Greeting (See Second Reading)

God lives among his people; he makes his home among us in his Son Jesus Christ. In Jesus, may he be our God-with-us? The Lord be with you. R/ And also with you.

 Introduction by the Celebrant

Love Is Inventive

We are often surprised because of the things people who love us do for us or give us: it amazes us how inventive love can be. Look at God, the origin of all love: he lets his own Son become one of us; Jesus astonishes us by his love for sinners, for misfits in life, for those who suffer. He gives up his life for us. And it is that inventive love that he makes the heart of our faith and our life. If we only had a bit of love like that we could make ourselves and our world all new. It is this inventive, renewing love that Jesus comes to share with us in this Eucharist. 

See How They Love One Another

If you would be asked to define what is most typical of our Christian community, could it be said of us, as of the first Christians, “See how they love one another”? According to our Lord himself, the mark of his disciples should be that we love one another as he has loved us. Gathered here for the Lord’s meal of love, let us ask him to make us love one another the way he has loved us. 

Penitential Act

God has loved us much more than we can imagine. But how much have we answered his love? How much have we answered the love of people? Let us examine ourselves before the Lord.    (pause)

-Lord Jesus, with your love you came to renew this old and sick world: Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

-Jesus Christ, to your Church and to the world you left as your testament and heart your commandment of love. Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.

-Lord Jesus, you made your own love the model and measure of our love for one another: Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us all our sins. Renew us by your love and lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray that our love may draw its strength from God’s own love (pause)

God, loving Father, you made us aware of the depth of your love when your own Son laid down his life for us. Jesus asks us to love one another the way he has loved us—all the way. And yet, our love remains brittle and fickle; it will always fall short. Give us a bit of your own love, make it reliable and lasting like yours, ever respectful of people, always inventive and new, and reaching out, especially to the poor and the unloved. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen. 

First Reading (Acts 14:21b-27): God Had Done Great Things with Them

Paul and Barnabas had suffered and toiled much to found new Christian communities and to encourage the faithful. Yet they acknowledged that it was God who did all this good work with them. 

Second Reading (Rev 21:1-5): See, I Make All Things New

Since the resurrection of Jesus, a new world has begun to take shape among people, that of the presence of God among us through the risen Christ. John gives us a hopeful vision of this new world in the making.

Reading 2: Rev 21:1-5a

Gospel (Jn 13:31-35): A New Commandment for a New People

At the Last Supper Jesus leaves to his disciples the commandment of love as his last testament. This love is the key to a new world.


Jesus reminds us today that love is the fundamental law of Christianity. Let us pray to God our Father so that among us love may not remain an empty word, and let us say: R/ Lord, unite us in your love.

–          For the Church, the People of God, that with the strength of our commitment we may be a voice and a force promoting justice and love among people and among nations, let us pray: R/ Lord, unite us in your love.

–          For the Churches groping for unity, that one day they may eat together the one bread of the one Lord, let us pray: R/ Lord, unite us in your love.

–          For scientists and economists, that by their inventions and endeavours they may promote the quality of life and human freedom and dignity for all, let us pray: R/ Lord, unite us in your love.

–          For all people of good will, that they may build up together a just society based on fairness and love, where there is no room for any discrimination, let us pray: R/ Lord, unite is in your love.

–          For all of us here, that we may form a community of service, love and hope, open to all needs and all just aspirations, let us pray: R/ Lord, unite us in your love.

God of hope, in you we trust. Renew us, our lives and our world through him who is your presence among us, Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen. 

Prayer over the Gifts

Faithful God of hope, the bread that we eat is meant to be the bread of peace, but to many, it is still the stale bread of tears and injustice. The cup that we drink is meant to be the cup of unity and joy, but often it is still a bitter cup of sadness and inequality. Let the bread and the wine which we bring before you become for us your Son Jesus, the food and drink by which we build a better world, for he is our Lord forever and ever. R/ Amen. 

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

Let us with joy give thanks to the Father that a new life and a new world have begun for us on the day when his Son rose from the dead. 

Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

With Jesus living among us, let us pray to our Father in heaven that the fullness of his kingdom may become a reality among us: R/ Our Father... 

Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church and grant us always the peace that comes from unity and sharing and from working together to build up your kingdom of justice and love, in which you live with us forever. R/ Amen. 

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus our Lord, who says to us, his disciples today: Love one another as I have loved you. Happy are we to be invited to eat the bread of life and love. R/ Lord, I am not worthy... 

Prayer after Communion

Loving Father, the Eucharist in which we have shared is for us the sign and token that we can learn to love one another as Jesus has loved us: to the end and without measure. Thank you for the love you have shown us. Let our love bear witness to all the love we have received from you, that our efforts to spread your joy and justice may lead people to recognize you as the one true God and to accept the One you have sent, Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen. 


In this Eucharistic celebration, we have been united as a community of faith, hope and love. Now we return to our respective tasks. Let us keep united and take to heart the Lord’s commandment of love. Let us try to love one another as he has loved us. This is the key to a new world. And take home with you the blessing of almighty God: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen. 

Go in the joy and the love of the Lord.

R/ Thanks be to God.