12th Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

 1. No Room for Fear

2. Witness, Speak Up!Greeting (See Second Reading)It is certain that the grace of God came to us
through one man, Jesus Christ,
and it came to us as a free gift.
May Jesus pour out his grace on you
and may he always be with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant
1. No Room for Fear
Nothing can give us more trust and courage than to know that someone loves us deeply. Faith is really the trust and conviction that God loves us, and loves us deeply. When we are aware of this love there is no more room for fear. People with deep faith are not afraid of professing that faith and of speaking out and committing themselves to all that this faith and love implies. We ask Jesus in this Eucharist to fill us with faith and love and so to take all fear away from us.

 2. Witness, Speak Up!
What do we do when we have to speak up about our faith, what we believe in as human persons and as Christians? Do we dare to speak up? Or do we hide our faith or minimize it? The message of today’s celebration is this: Do not be afraid to bear witness to your faith. Speak up, trust in God. For the Lord stands by your side. We ask the Lord present here for this courage.

Penitential Act
Our love of the Lord is still imperfect.
This is why we are still afraid
of bearing witness to him in word and deed.
We ask him now to forgive us.
Lord Jesus, you ask us
to proclaim you without fear:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Jesus Christ, you want us
to trust you and the Father,
for we are precious to you:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you expect us
to bear fearless witness to you
by our words and the way we live:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Forgive us all our fears, Lord,
and give us the courage
to respond with trust to your love.
Lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer
Let us pray that our life and words
may speak out for the Lord
Lord God, our Father,
we have experienced much grace and love
and forgiving mercy from you
and your Son Jesus has brought us
an unforgettable message of joy.
Do not allow us ever to forget this
and make us bold enough to share with others
what we have received from you as a free gift.
May our very lives bear witness
that Jesus walks by our side
and that we should never be afraid
of proclaiming with our very lives
our hope and trusting faith in you.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

First Reading: The Lord Is At My Side
The tragedy of Jeremiah was that the people rejected him for speaking in God’s name. Still, he kept trusting in the Lord.

Second Reading: One in the Grace of Christ
When people were one in sin, Jesus came to make them one in grace.

Gospel: Do Not Be Afraid
Do not be afraid, says Jesus, but live your faith and bear witness to it without fear, for you are in the hands of God.

General Intercessions
Let us pray with complete trust to our Father in heaven, that, free from all paralyzing fears, we may have the courage born from faith to build up his kingdom. Let us say: R/ Lord, we place our trust in you.
– For the Church, that our leaders may not be discouraged by the trials and pains of renewal, and that they may count on our prayers and support, let us pray: R/ Lord, we place our trust in you.
– For our country, that we may continue without fear to bear witness to the gospel by working for justice and human dignity, let us pray: R/ Lord, we place our trust in you.
– For the sick and the suffering, the poor and the downtrodden, that they may not lose courage; that they may get out of their apathy and fatalism and that we may give them hope and love, let us pray: R/ Lord, we place our trust in you.
– For all of us, that we may not fear those who threaten or ridicule us but that we may live in trust of God who carries us in his hands, let us pray: R/ Lord, we place our trust in you.
– For our Christian communities, that we may not be divided into factions and not label one another, but that we may trust one another and build God’s kingdom together, let us pray: R/ Lord, we place our trust in you.
Lord our God, with you on our side there is no reason for fear. Wake us up, make us walk and give us the strength to go all the way to you, with Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Our God and Father,
your Son Jesus Christ showed us
how we can believe and pray,
live and even die
with the fullest trust in you.
As he is with us now,
help us to trust in ourselves,
in people around us,
and especially in you, our living God.
Reassure us that life is worth living,
that love and justice can move this world,
and that you lead us to your future.
Give us the trust and courage
of Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

Jesus carried out his mission and lived trustingly in the hands of the Father. We join him now in his sacrifice and express with him this same deep trust, as we ask for the courage to live our faith.

Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer

Knowing that we are in the Father’s hands,
we pray to him with the fullest trust
the prayer of Jesus himself: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord, from sin and all fear
to declare ourselves for you in the presence of people
and to commit ourselves to your work
of integrity and truth.
Fill us with your quiet courage
to stand up for the freedom
and human dignity of our brothers and sisters,
that we may not mar the image of your Son.
Help us to prepare with joy and hope
the full coming among us
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

This is the body of our Savior.
Come to him without fear,
for he will fill us with his strength
to bear witness to him. R/ Lord, I am not worthy...


Instead of the silence after communion, the following prayer of trust by Charles de Foucauld could be slowly read by the leader.
God, I entrust myself to you.
Do with me what you want.
Whatever you wish to do with me,
I thank you.
I am ready for everything,
I accept everything.
Provided your will be done in me
and in all your creatures,
I desire nothing else, my God.
I place my soul into your hands,
I give it to you, my God,
with all the love of my heart,
because I love you,
because it is to me a demand of love
to give myself,
to commit myself to you without reserve,
with an unlimited trust,
for you are my Father.

Prayer after Communion

Our God and Father
we know that you love us,
for you have given us your Son
to go with us through life.
Free us from our fears and self-pity,
and give us the courage to face life
with the loyalty and openness of your Son.
Help us to give up our worries,
our competition and distrust of one another,
and our hesitation to stand up for you
and for all that is good.
Be with us now and for ever
through Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.


Do not be afraid,
for the Father loves us.
Do not be afraid,
for Christ walks by our side.
Do not be afraid,
for the Holy Spirit will give us courage.
Do not be afraid,
for we are in God’s hands.
Go and face life and bear witness to God’s love
with the blessing of almighty God,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.

Go in the peace of Christ.
R/ Thanks be to God.