31st Week, Monday, Nov 6th

31st Week, Monday, Nov 6th

Romans 11:29-36 / Luke 14:12-14   

Paul talks about God; God is beyond human understanding.

Frank Sheed, the great British theologian, writes in his book Theology and Sanity: "There is something marvelously inviting to the mind in an Infinite Being of whom we can know something, but whom we cannot wholly know; in the knowledge of whom we can grow, yet the truth of whose being we can never exhaust; we shall never have to throw God away like an unsolved crossword puzzle."

This is the identical point that Paul makes in today's reading. There is some validity in the words of Voltaire: "God has made us to love him, and not to understand him." La Henriade


How do we visualize God when we meditate or pray to him? "God is that undefinable something which we all feel but which we do not know." Mohandas Gandhi


In the first reading, Paul says that God has never revoked his choice of Israel. Everyone and all are called to be saved by God’s mercy. That Israel did not accept Christ led to salvation being offered to the Gentiles.

We are inclined to love and invite those who love and invite us. Is this genuine love according to God’s standards? True love is gratuitous and opens itself to the poor and to outcasts. This is beautiful to say but hard to do. What is our practice?


Pay it forward is the breath of life

When I realised the gift of my life, I always feel indebted to others and nature and my entire life is insufficient to return back what I’ve received. When I don’t realise this gifted- ness, even a precious gift remains just a commodity to be exchanged. There is nothing more beautiful in life than a sense of gratitude and this attitude necessitates a life with inner freedom which seeks nothing but the joy of doing anything generously and lovingly. It flows from within independent of anything in return.

Jesus, in today’s gospel, proposes a practical way to be a gift unto others by offering to those who cannot repay us. Perhaps the materials we offer are not repaid but the paradox is that we are returned with enormous joy which is greater than the material that can be bought even. Thus, the giver in turn becomes the receiver. Whereas St. Paul in the first reading indicates a gratuitous gift of God to all of us which is salvation that cannot be repaid.

The secret lies not so much in our efforts, or in the series of motivational reasoning about it, but simply in letting this to become our experience. In fact, only those who experience such gift are also capable of doing the same.

Today is that precious gift that you got from Him. The very fact you did, the divine thinks you are worthy of another ‘Today’, then how about wasting a day of your life.

Today does not care about the blemishes of your past, nor is it affected by the uncertainties of the future – it is a day in itself, an opportunity in itself, and a portion of life by itself. So, take care of your today(s) and you will take care of your life.


Opening Prayer

Lord our God and Father, we come together here as a people to share in the feast of Jesus, our Savior. Let this celebration be the sign of the feast without end which you have prepared for us. Make us rejoice with you and welcome all with open arms, people from everywhere, all nations, the poor and the rich, the weak and the strong. May all accept your invitation, that we may rejoice with all in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen