13th Week, Thursday, July 4th: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Amos 7:10-17 / Matthew 9:1-8 

Amos is ordered out of Israel: “Go on back to Judah.”

Israel refused to change her ways in spite of Amos’ preaching. There was nothing Amos could do but pass judgment on her. Israel’s response to Amos’ judgment was predictable. Amaziah, the high priest of Bethel, ordered him to leave the northern kingdom. “Go on back to Judah and do your preaching there,” he said. Amos risked his neck by staying a little longer. He still had a few more things to say. Eventually, however, he returned to Judah. But his words kept echoing in the land of Israel long after he left.


How do we respond when people tell us things we don’t want to hear? Do we close our ears to them? Do we try to silence them?

Jesus said, “This people will . . not understand . . .because their minds are dull, and they have stopped up their ears.”Mt 13:14-15


If people don't like to hear bad things said about them, then how would the people of God respond when they hear bad things said about them? Certainly they, like everyone else, would not like to hear it nor will they be happy to hear it. But being the people of God, they would also have this responsibility of discerning what was said and how true it is.

In the 1st reading, the prophet Amos prophesied against the people of Israel, and they could no longer tolerate what he was saying. But there was no denying that Amos spoke the Word of God. The priest Amaziah called him "seer" and told him to go back to Judah to do his prophesying there. And for not heeding the oracle of the Lord and the prophet, the people of God had to face the consequences.

In the gospel, it was the paralytic who listened to the Word of God when Jesus told him - Courage, my child, your sins are forgiven. The paralytic then understood that forgiveness comes before healing and so he opened his heart to forgiveness, and when Jesus told him to get up and walk, he was healed and got up and walked home. When we acknowledge our sinfulness and the call to repentance, our sins will be forgiven and we too will get up and walk towards Jesus.

May we not let our sinfulness prevent us from listening to the voice of God and the call to repentance.



The priest Amaziah, in the name of the lord king, judges as inopportune the word of God through the prophet Amos. It is not politically relevant.  It was, humanly speaking, a meager consolation for the cripple to hear that his sins were forgiven. But to the believer, sin is the root of human ills; when this root is taken away by forgiveness, the whole person is saved, also in one’s body. In the gospel the scribes call Jesus a blasphemer. The official people of institutionalized religion challenge the true message of God, on account of so-called true religion. Let us pray today that we may recognize the true Spirit of God when here is a message to tell us, even when it is unpleasant.   

Opening Prayer 

Lord our God,  often we do not understand  what you ask of us in life.  Give us a trusting faith, we pray you,  that we may keep believing in you  even when we don’t see where you lead us.  Give us the faith of Abraham,  who was willing to sacrifice his son;  give us the faith of the lame man  who found fresh courage  when his sins were forgiven.  Tell us to stand up and walk  with the certainty that you love us and want to bring us home to you,  who are our God forever.   


In pre-exilic Israel, there were groups of prophets who carried their messages throughout the country. Their conduct was frequently ecstatic, oftentimes self-induced. Amos, however, works alone; although a southerner, he preaches at a northern sanctuary.  Amaziah, the priest of the Bethel sanctuary, is clearly annoyed by Amos’s presence and orders the prophet to leave the Bethel sanctuary. Amos argues that this seems to be a case of mistaken identity. He is not part of any prophetic group but rather a sheep herder and a vine dresser by profession. Even though commanded not to speak, he utters his message of destruction. He does so because he is not his own man.  The word of truth is not always welcome and is often flat- out rejected. In today’s Gospel Jesus vindicates his power to forgive sins in his dealing with the paralytic. Even in the face of hostile opposition, he continues to speak the word of truth.  The word of God cannot be silenced. We cannot fail to speak it because of human respect. Amos suffered for his mission but he could only remain steadfast. Jesus never shrank from the truth; for this he had come into the world. At times we remain silent when our convictions are attacked. But we too must remain firm.   

Points to Ponder 

Bands of prophets and the classical prophets 

The duty of the prophet Jesus’ mission: forgiveness of sin  Faith and courage   


– That the Church, aware of its shortcomings, may humbly offer compassion and forgiveness to all who err, and become in our world a sign and instrument of reconciliation, we pray:

 – That we may show special love and care for the handicapped, for children who will never be able to play, for those who will never see God’s colorful world, for those who will never hear or sing songs of joy, we pray:

 -That our homes may become places of mutual understanding and reconciliation; that the young may learn from their parents and each other to forget injuries and to accept one another in their diversity and individuality, we pray:  

Prayer over the Gifts 

Lord our God,  through this bread and this wine  you unite us with your Son.  He remained faithful to you  when you demanded of him  an impossible sacrifice.  As we offer this sacrifice of your Son,  help us to learn from him  to say yes to any task or sacrifice  which you demand of us in life.  Give us this faith, this love and loyalty  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  

Prayer after Communion 

Lord our God,  you have strengthened us again  by the presence of Jesus, your Son.  Widen the horizons of our faith  and help us to accept, not only with our minds  but also with our hearts and our whole person,  that you see farther than we,  that your heart is greater than ours,  and that sacrifice may be the toll to pay  for freedom, joy and happiness.  Dispose us to accept this in trust and love through Jesus Christ our Lord.   


With the lame man when he was healed, we praise and thank God who says to us too when we have sinned: “stand up and walk.” May God keep you walking and may he bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


St. Elizabeth of Portugal

On July 4, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Elizabeth of Portugal, a queen who served the poor and helped her country avoid war during the 13th and 14th centuries.

Elizabeth of Portugal was named for her great-aunt, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, who was canonized in 1235. Their lives were similar in some important ways: both of them were married at very young ages, they sought to live the precepts of the Gospel despite their status as royalty, and finished their lives as members of the Third Order of St. Francis.

The younger Elizabeth was born in 1271, the daughter of King Pedro III of Aragon and his wife Constantia. Even in her youth, Elizabeth showed a notable devotion to God through fasting, regular prayer, and a sense of life's seriousness. While still very young, she was married to King Diniz of Portugal, a marriage that would put her faith and patience to the test.

King Diniz was faithfully devoted to his country, known as the “Worker King” because of his diligence. Unfortunately, he generally failed to live out the same faithfulness toward his wife, although he is said to have repented of his years of infidelity before his death. Diniz and Elizabeth had two children, but the king fathered an additional seven children with other women.

Many members of the king's court likewise embraced or accepted various forms of immorality, and it would have been easy for the young queen to fall into these vices herself. But Elizabeth remained intent on doing God's will with a humble and charitable attitude. Rather than using her status as queen to pursue her own satisfaction, she sought to advance Christ's reign on earth.

Like her namesake and great-aunt Elizabeth of Hungary, Elizabeth of Portugal was a devoted patroness and personal friend of the poor and sick, and she compelled the women who served her at court to care for them as well. The queen's bishop testified that she had a custom of secretly inviting in lepers, whom she would bathe and clothe, even though the law of the land barred them from approaching the castle.

Elizabeth's commitment to the Gospel also became evident when she intervened to prevent civil war in the kingdom on two occasions. Alfonso, the only son of Diniz and Elizabeth, resented the king's indulgent treatment of one of his illegitimate sons, to the point that the father and son gathered together rival armies that were on the brink of open war in 1323.

On this occasion, St. Elizabeth placed herself between the two opposing armies, insisting that Diniz and Alfonso come to terms and make peace with one another. In 1336, the last year of her life, she intervened in a similar manner to prevent her son from waging war against the King of Castile for his poor treatment of Alfonso's own daughter.

Following King Diniz's death in 1325, Elizabeth had become a Franciscan of the Third Order, and had gone to live in a convent that she had established some years before. The testimony of miracles accomplished through her intercession, after her death in 1336, contributed to her canonization by Pope Urban VIII in 1625.