14th Week, Saturday, July 13th

14th Week, Saturday, July 13th 

Isaiah 6:1-8 / Matthew 10:24-33 

Isaiah has a vision of God: “Holy, holy, holy!”
God’s call to Isaiah came about 20 years before the northern kingdom fell to Assyria. Thus, some of his prophecies are directed to the northern kingdom of Israel. Most, however, are directed to the southern kingdom. Isaiah sought to get the people of Judah to reform their ways before the same fate that befell Israel befell them. Isaiah’s career arched like an umbrella over 40 stormy years of the history of God’s chosen people. In keeping with today’s reading, Isaiah is often called the prophet of God’s holiness. No fewer than 30 times in his prophecies he refers to God as the “Holy One.” Again and again, he reminded the people that God had called them at Mt. Sinai to be a holy nation. (Exodus 19:6, NAB)
How conscious are we of our call to holiness? “The Lord Almighty is holy! His glory fills the world.” Isaiah 6:3
In these present times, we cannot deny that secularism is a powerful influence across all sectors of life. But this is often balanced off by a quiet search for the meaning of life and existence in the quest for spirituality.

It cannot be denied that modern men and women are searching for the transcendent and they want an experience of God. Even the Church has seen a renewed need for prayer and meditation as people search deeper for God. Indeed, we all have this longing and thirsting for God. And people do experience God in various situations and settings - at Mass, at prayer meetings, in retreats, at holy places.

In the 1st reading, the prophet Isaiah experienced the holiness of God in a vision. At the same time, he also became aware of his sinfulness and unworthiness, but he was healed of it. Yet, his experience of God also propelled him to a mission, and that was to proclaim the holiness of God to the people.

So an experience of God is not just for our sake but for the purpose of a mission. That is essential to proclaim the presence of God to a secularized world. As Jesus said in the gospel, it is to declare and bear witness to Him in the presence of men. May we not be afraid to let the love of God shine in us.


Isaiah (Yahweh is salvation) experienced the holiness of God and was so haunted by it that it was the central message of his prophecies – the most vigorous and beautiful of all the prophetic writings. In the name of God’s holiness, he demanded conversion, especially to end the social injustice rampant in his time.

 “Do not be afraid,” says Jesus to his disciples three times. Even, when persecuted and apparently failing in their mission, like Jesus, their master, they are in God’s hands. God takes care of his own. God’s kingdom cannot be built up without crosses and sacrifices, not without being contested by a world that wants to create its own future. 

Opening Prayer

Dependable God, you are present with us in all things, even in our miseries, and you take care of your own. Deepen our trust in you and make us afraid of only one thing: to become instruments of evil. Make us instead messengers of the Good News that evil can be overcome and that your goodness and justice will prevail. Give us this faith and trust through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 


– For the Church, that free from all paralyzing fears it may have the courage born of faith to bear witness to the demands of the gospel, we pray:

– For presiders in the liturgy, that they may have a deep sense of God’s holiness and of their own limitations and shortcomings, we pray:

– For all of us, that we may not fear those who threaten or ridicule us for our faith, as we live in trust of God who carries us in his hands, we pray: 

Prayer over the Gifts

Believable and trustworthy God, your Son Jesus Christ committed himself to the fight against evil and persecution, yet he himself was its victim. As he encounters us here in these signs of bread and wine, may he help us to understand better that the disciple is not above the master, that we cannot make your kingdom come true without being torn apart nor without being contested by the world. We trust in you through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Prayer after Communion Our holy God, we have shared the table of your Son; we are willing to share his life and mission. Make us unafraid, as he was fearless. Help us to be convinced in the deepest of ourselves that our life and death are in your hands and that our crosses bear within themselves the seeds of joy and happiness. Give us this faith and strength through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Blessing Do not be afraid of professing your faith or of living it. Trust in God, who stands behind