2nd Week, Thursday, Jan 23

 Hebrews 7:25 - 8:6 / Mark 3:7-12

Jesus reigns in heaven; He intercedes for us before God.

 At one point during World War II, the city of London was bombed almost nightly by German planes. People lost their homes and their businesses at the drop of a bomb. People also suffered all kinds of injuries, many of which doctors were too busy to treat.

An elderly woman named Mrs. Berwick bought herself a first-aid kit. Then she printed a sign with her own hand and hung it on the door of her house. The sign read: “If you need help, knock here!” William Barclay, who tells the story, says that Jesus is also always ready to help us. All we have to do is “knock” and he will open up to us and help us.


Christ Jesus is the mediator, perfect, unique, who offered himself once for all. All who believe in him get access to God through him. He intercedes for us. That is his ministry now.


What keeps us from asking for Jesus’ help, even though we know he is waiting to help us? “To the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:10


People came to Jesus for various reasons. Some have heard about Him and so they have come to check Him for themselves.

Others may be curious for the spectacular; yet others may be desperate because of some particular need, eg. for healing, for deliverance, for enlightenment, for direction, etc. Whatever it was, the reasons were many. And the bottom line is that they want something from Jesus. As it was then, so it is now and it will always be as such. It is like some kind of consumerism mentality. Whatever Jesus can give, people would want, and they will want more and more. And they may even crush Him in order to get what they want from Him.


As we heard in the gospel, He even had to get onto a boat to keep Himself from being crushed. Yes, we all want something from Jesus, and we might not be that ready to take "No" for an answer.

But as we reflect on the 1st reading, it is clear that Jesus is the high priest appointed by God to be the mediator between God and man, and hence His power to save is utterly certain.


Yet as high priest and Saviour, Jesus had to offer Himself as the sacrifice for sinners in order to save them. Hence, if we truly believe in Jesus as our high priest and Saviour, then we too would follow Him in doing what He had done - to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice so that Jesus can continue His saving work in us.


Hence, it would not be so much as what we want from Jesus, but what we are willing to give up and offer to Him as a loving


In the gospel, Mark gives a summary of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Yesterday we heard how the Pharisees are blind to him and attack him on legal points; the crowds flock to him because of his healing power, not so much to be converted. The demons know who Jesus is, but, of course, they do not believe in him. Here we have different attitudes, but no faith yet. This is why perhaps Mark imposes silence on the spirits. We offer this eucharist together with Christ, our only Saviour and Mediator, who always intercedes for us. 

Let us pray: God, our Father, through your Son, Jesus Christ, you brought healing to your people and came to bind us to you in a lasting covenant of love. May we not only admire his saving power but accept him in faith as our brother, your Son, our Lord and Saviour. Make him the ground and meaning of our lives and fill us with his Holy Spirit, that we may build up among us your kingdom and a community of faith, hope and love. We ask you this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.