5th Sunday C: Call of Peter - Liturgical Prayers
Greeting (See Second Reading)
By God’s grace, we are what we are. May his grace not remain fruitless in us. What matters is that we spread the Good News. May the Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
- We Are Called and Sent
If our faith is truly an integral part of our lives, we should be so much aware of its riches that we cannot keep it to ourselves. What we see in it, what we live in it, we want to share with others. If it makes us feel happy and secure in God, we realize it is given not only for ourselves. Let us make others happy and rich in faith: that is the vocation of every Christian. Let us ask the Lord here in the Eucharist that we may bring him to others, at least by how we live.
- The Rich Word of God
Fortunately, the new liturgy has opened the Bible for us. Not only do we hear it now in our language, but the number and selection of texts read to us has improved immensely. No wonder many people now have a Bible and regularly read from it. Why do we read the Bible? Is it only to seek consolation in it or is it that we want to know God better, especially through encountering Jesus and his message? When we know God better, do we bring others closer to God? Jesus asks of us today to spread his word and message. Let us listen to him as he speaks to us.
Penitential Act
Before the all-holy God we are only sinners. We ask him to cleanse our lips and our hearts and to send us to make him known as our healing God. (pause)
Lord Jesus, you died for our sins according to the Scriptures: Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Jesus Christ, on the third day you rose to life to bring us your life: Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, by your grace you call us to be apostles of your Good News: Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
In your mercy, Lord, forgive us and let your grace not be fruitless in us. Lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.
Opening Prayer
Let us pray that God may make us capable of making his gospel credible (pause)
Holy God of our happiness, you entrust your Good News of life to weak and fallible people. Keep us from discouragement and give us the strength to speak your message with the language of our life. Let Jesus your Son work with us and in us, that each of us may have the courage to say: Here I am, Lord, send me as your messenger to share your glad tidings of happiness with all willing to listen. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
First Reading (Is 6:1-8): Here I Am, Send Me
Isaiah believed in God’s presence in the Temple but he did not expect to see a vision of the holy God. Moved by this experience, he accepted to become God’s unworthy prophet.
Reading 1: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8
Second Reading: I Am an Apostle by the Grace of God
Paul thought that by persecuting Christians he was defending God against a dangerous sect. Jesus took him by surprise and made him an apostle.
Reading 2: 1 Cor 15:1-11
Gospel: I Will Make You Fishers of People
Peter and his companions were expert fishers. Jesus calls them to be expert fishers of people. They left everything to follow him.
Gospel: Lk 5:1-11
As the people chosen by God, let us bring before our Father in heaven the needs and prayers of all people, and let us say: R/ Listen to your people, Lord.
– For the pope and all bishops, called by God to be “fishers of people,” that they may face with courage and hope the stormy waves of our time of renewal and continue without fear to preach the gospel of Christ, let us pray: R/ Listen to your people, Lord.
– For missionaries, and all who spread the gospel, that by their own evangelical living and their openness to all they may bear witness to the universality and beauty of the message of Christ, we pray: R/ Listen to your people Lord.
– For those called by the Lord to his special service as priests or religious, that their own experience of Christ may be the source of their strength to remain faithful to God’s call, let us pray: R/ Listen to your people, Lord.
– For all Christians, that they may have the courage to risk their comfort and personal peace to help prisoners and refugees, old parents, the sick and strangers, let us pray: R/ Listen to your people, Lord.
– For our Christian communities, that the celebration of the Eucharist may commit us more and more to one another and give us the strength to work together to make our communities alive in Christ, let us pray: R/ Listen to your people, Lord.
Lord our God, we are but weak people. Make us fit to carry out any task you wish us to do, by the strength of Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
Prayer over the Gifts
God our Father, in these signs of bread and wine we celebrate the central event that sums up our faith and gives meaning to what we are and do: the death and resurrection of your Son. Purify our lips and hearts with his body and blood and send us to proclaim with our lives that Jesus is our living Lord and that you are our Father now and for ever. R/ Amen.
Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer
We praise God for the apostles, his privileged witnesses who became fishers of people, and with them we are willing to spread the Good News. In the “Holy, holy” we echo the words of the angels, whom Isaiah heard singing God’s praise.
Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer
In the words of Jesus who saved us let us pray to the Father who calls and loves us through the Spirit who guides us: R/ Our Father...
Deliver Us
Deliver us, Lord, from every evil and meet us in the humility of our sinful human condition. Take away from us the fear that we are too inadequate to be messengers and instruments of your forgiveness and love, since it is you who call us. Send us out to prepare in joyful hope the coming in glory among his people of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...
Invitation to Communion
This is the Lamb of God who saved us from sin by his death and resurrection. We are not worthy to receive him, but he purifies us and sends us to proclaim his love. R/ Lord, I am not worthy...
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God, in your love you have called each of us to a task of life and a place in your plan which no one else can fulfill for us; you have chosen your Church to be the irreplaceable sign and witness of the death and resurrection of your Son. Make each and all of us capable of our mission and send us out into the deep by the strength of the body and blood of our unique Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
The Lord entrusts to you his word and his body. Go now, speak his word and be his body to the world. May the Lord bless you, that you may be a blessing to all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Go in the peace of the Lord.
R/ Thanks be to God.
Three-Pronged Revelation
The great vision of God’s holiness makes Isaiah intensely conscious of his own sinfulness. Paul confesses that whatever he is, is by the Grace of God working in him. The miraculous catch of fish brings Simeon Peter to his knees and a confession.
Revelation is always a twin revelation: who God is and who we are. Before the vision of the immense grandeur and holiness of God, Isaiah can only become self-conscious of his own sinfulness. Before the miraculous catch of fish that Jesus worked, Peter can only murmur: “Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” And Paul knows very well that he was so despicable that he neither merited a visitation from God nor the title apostle. This self-awareness is invariably a consciousness of the vast gulf existing between God’s goodness and holiness, and our creatureliness and sinfulness. Thankfully, within this gulf plays God’s Grace that transforms us into whom God desires us to be—as it happened with Isaiah, Paul, and Peter. So, perhaps I should correct myself: Revelation is always three-pronged: Who God is, who we are, and who we can be, by God’s Grace.